Rising Star: Jessica Cheung

January 23 2015
A dark overlay over a group of Merus employees posing in an office lobby

Al. Neyer is proud to support and celebrate its team members as they pursue opportunities to grow and make our community better. The YWCA Academy of Career Women of Achievement has named Asset Manager Jessica Cheung in the latest class of YWCA Rising Stars.

[caption id="attachment_1220" align="alignright" width="172"] Al. Neyer Asset Manager Jessica Cheung[/caption]

The program was created in 2002 as a way to mentor and support younger women (age 25 - 40) in pursuit of excellence in their careers. 54 women including Jessica were selected for the program for their qualities as an outstanding performer and demonstrating a potential to attain marked achievement in their chosen careers. Specifically, Rising Stars are identified as younger professional women with proven leadership qualities who would benefit from interaction with Academy members and other Rising Stars. They are eligible to participate in exclusive educational, networking and social events sponsored by the YWCA.

Jessica joined Al. Neyer in 2013 and is responsible for maintaining the strategic and operational stability of the company’s 1.4 million SF portfolio of office, healthcare, and retail space. She has significant experience in financial analysis and transaction due diligence, managing every detail of Neyer’s long-range real estate asset management strategy. Skilled in financial planning, tenant retention, and operations management, Jessica is very talented in communicating with investors about the portfolio’s performance and opportunities for maximizing returns.

Jessica lives in Morrow with her husband David and newborn son, Aiden.