Big Plan Revealed for Former Blue Ash Airport Land
Bowdeya Tweh
Cincinnati Enquirer
"Create a game-changing site that elevates Blue Ash’s image among current and prospective residents and companies.
That was the simple message the city officials gave to real estate developer Al. Neyer in 2015 as the company bought about 98 acres of vacant land once part of the Blue Ash Airport. With the hopes of completing a massive development project, Al. Neyer spent $8.3 million to buy the city of Cincinnati-owned land near Glendale-Milford and Plainfield roads. Since the acquisition, officials at Downtown-based Al. Neyer have been working on a plan to deliver something the city can take pride in.
...“All developers talk about a live, work, play environment and that’s the future of office development," said Dan Ruh, a senior vice president at Al. Neyer. "We’re taking that to a new level. It’s a live, work, play and stay concept. You can’t find that anywhere else in the region.”