98-Acre Development Moving Forward in Blue Ash

August 05 2016
Dark overlay on the Cincinnati, OH skyline

Marika Lee
Cincinnati Enquirer

"A proposed development beside Summit Park includes more than 300 residential units and a developer’s vision of it being a nationally known entertainment destination.

The Blue Ash Planning Commission approved two zoning text amendments and a conceptual development plan that will allow Al. Neyer, Vandercar Holdings, Towne Properties, MI Homes and MKSK to develop the 98 acres of vacant land beside Summit Park into three mixed-use office, retail and residential districts. The land also was part of the Blue Ash Airport.

The Planning Commission approved the amendments and the conceptual plan by a vote of 5-0. Multiple members said they were previously concerned about the development being a wall of buildings that would break up the feel of Summit Park, but were impressed by the amount of green and open space the developers plan to include in the development."

Click here to read more in the Cincinnati Enquirer.