21st and Smallman Lands Commission Approval

July 19 2019
Aerial rendering of mixed-use building with glass facade, next to a historic church, surrounded by city streets

Al. Neyer & The Rugby Realty received planning commission approval on seven-story, 390,000 SF two-building project in the fast-growing Strip District.

From the Pittsburgh Business Times:


The Pittsburgh Planning Commission voted to approve the latest revision of Rugby Realty’s Brickworks at 21st and Smallman development, a proposal to build a two-building project of seven stories and 390,000 square feet of office space at a four-acre hinge site in a fast redeveloping Strip District.

After the commission set Rugby’s development team back to the drawing board with a continuance on their last design two weeks ago, the Rugby team, including Al. Neyer and Desmone Architects, presented a revision adding more detail and segmenting to a curved glass curtain wall facade that drew considerable criticism previously by the commission, among a host of other changes.

It was enough to result in six commission votes to approve the $80 million development project, with abstentions from commissioners Fred Brown and Sabina Deitrick.

Read more from Tim Schooley at the Pittsburgh Business Times here.